Plunder the Robber
A much needed coffee stop was in order as we drove from NY to Atlanta. The man working there was telling his friend a story. He had been robbed while pumping gas by someone holding a box cutter. His response was to pull out his pistol. His friend asked if the robber ran, but the answer was no because the perpetrator now had a pistol pointed at him. He told the robber, “You wanted everything I had, now I want everything you have.” Before I could hear the end of the story, he told me my coffee was on the house and Happy Easter!
Whatever was right or wrong with that scenario, it did provide a spiritual analogy. We have an enemy, Satan, who wants to rob us of spiritual treasure. Yet we who are in Christ have weapons that are bazookas compared to his little box cutter. He wants you to think his weapons are more powerful. They are not.
“For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal
but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds…”
2 Corinthians 10:4
Let’s pay attention and stand in the spiritual armor God gives us, leaving the enemy wishing he had never approached us. Let the Lord fight your battles, so that the spiritual robber is plundered. Let’s stand in truth, so that territory is taken away from the enemy for our Father’s Kingdom.
A mighty weapon is praise. Praising God sends Satan fleeing. Reading and meditating on passages like Ephesians 6, will help us grow in the reality that,
“…He who is in you
is greater than he who is in the world.”
1 John 4:4b
Glory to the One described in Pslam 18:32 as arming us with strength and making our way perfect!