Carried By The Wind
In the middle of a tennis lesson, a storm seemed to brew right above us. When all the balls suddenly flew to one fence, we began to get the heck out of Dodge. I lived down the street, but as I began to run home my feet came off the ground as the wind began to take over. The same thing happened on the deck of a ship during extremely high winds. Something more powerful than me was at work.
Spiritually speaking, we are going to be carried by something – the Holy Spirit or the spirit of this world. Acts 2:2 describes the Holy Spirit as sounding like a mighty. rushing wind. Ephesians 4:14 describes false doctrine as being able to toss one to and fro. We don’t want to be carried by harmful winds. We want a Wind we can trust.
To be carried by the Holy Spirit does not necessarily mean an easy life. We could potentially be carried into suffering. But to do so would be to remain in the will and very arms of God. To be carried by the winds of this world would appeal to our flesh and self-love, but would take us on a dangerous path ending in devastating loss.
Those who submit their will to Christ through salvation will be carried by One who is pure and holy. He will carry us where we should go. He will empower us to do His will. It may not be the story we would have signed up for, but in eternity we’ll be so glad we were carried by Him for His glory.
“For no prophecy was ever produced by the will of man,
but men spoke from God
as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit.”
2 Peter 1:21