Memorial Day 2024: No Greater Love

The word “love” gets thrown around a lot with all kinds of meanings and agendas. In John 15:13 Jesus teaches us this,

“Greater love has no one than this,

than to lay down one's life for his friends.”

He speaks to what He came to do. He, the very Son of God, did not have to come and give His life to save us. But in love, He did just that.

Today, on Memorial Day, we remember those who willingly gave their very lives, so that we can live ours; so that we can live free. For love of country, love of freedom, and love of others they laid down their lives. When we think of those who wouldn’t lay down their power, cravings, preferences, or conveniences for the sake of others, we honor these warriors all the more. Lord, make us and our leaders more like those who gave their lives and ultimately more like Jesus. Comfort and bless their families and friends. Make Your name and ways more known and more common in our land.


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Kingdom Builders 2024