Happy 12th Anniversary Abide in Him (and updates)!
I’m excited to have much to report and many links to share for Abide in Him’s 12th Anniversary! I just got home from Bible Study with sisters at Women of Gilgal. We’re studying the book of Esther and in Chapter 4 Verse 16b Esther says of a dangerous kingdom assignment, “…and if I perish, I perish!” One of the many Scriptures we looked at was Romans 14:8,
“For if we live, we live to the Lord;
And if we die, we die to the Lord.
Therefore, whether we live or die, we are the Lord’s.”
Freeing and abundant life comes when we lay down our lives to pick up the Lord’s agenda for His plans and His purposes in our lives. Lord, grow us in this!
As we celebrate this 12th anniversary, 2024 has started off with a bang! The Lord continues to lead and provide wonderful opportunity. Here are a few updates:
In January I started teaching A Study of the Book of Esther: A Triumph Over the Enemy at one of my favorite ministries The Women of Gilgal where women battling homelessness and addiction are ministered to. It’s faith building to see all God is doing there and a joy to get to study and fellowship with the women.
I also started teaching A Study of Exodus Part I: A God Who Rescues with the women of another favorite ministry, House of Cherith at City of Refuge. Here, women have opportunity to heal from the trauma of sexual exploitation. The world is a dark place, but the Lord is bringing light and restoring order to the hearts of so many! I pinch myself that He has opened doors to let us be a part. One of the women gave me permission to share one of her journal sections (above) from the lessons as we learn that God has Satan on a leash..
I’m still teaching at Church of the Apostles. We are going through A Study of Jonah: Where Else Would We Go? What a joy to gather with others to learn, strengthen, and grow from His Word, prayer, and fellowship then head out into the world to be a blessing wherever the Lord has us.
At the end of January I had a precious opportunity to share some messages on the sovereignty of God that He’s given me in my own wrestlings and trauma. We gathered in Savannah with a new favorite ministry The Guest House Project. This is for women who have endured sexual betrayal, so I got to serve, but I also was ministered to with a bunch of friends I’ve gotten to know through this journey and a few new ones!
I’m just back from speaking these same messages at Callaway Gardens for our Women’s Retreat! Again, I pinch myself that the Lord got me to Church of the Apostles Women’s Ministry before my world crashed. What a family! If you’re in the Atlanta area looking for a church home, please check it out. Our women’s ministry is Spirit led and serves with excellence. I’m attaching the videos of the weekend here. The teachings are Thursday night, Friday morning and evening, and Saturday. What a blessing to share some of the spiritual plunder from a battle I never dreamed I would face.
I’m grateful for every group and individual using the AIH studies to pasture in God’s Word. A thought that I believe was from Him for this year comes from Isaiah 55:10-11,
“For as the rain comes down, and the snow from heaven,
And do not return there,
But water the earth,
And make it bring forth and bud,
That it may give seed to the sower
And bread to the eater,
So shall My word be that goes forth from My mouth;
It shall not return to Me void,
But it shall accomplish what I please,
And it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it.”
You know those years of much rain that bring much fruit? As the purpose of Abide in Him is to strengthen the body of Christ through the teaching of God’s Word, may He provide much opportunity for His Word to go out in abundance to accomplish much for His Kingdom.
I want to close with another verse that jumped out today and spurs me on in the journey. I cannot wait for this to be fulfilled. Drum roll please…
“Then comes the end,
when He delivers the kingdom to God the Father,
when He puts an end to all rule and all authority and power.”
1 Corinthians 15:24
Thank you so much for the support and encouragement for Abide in Him. His truth is marching on!