Happy 11th Anniversary and New Website for Abide in Him!
What a gift to launch this new website for our anniversary. Blessings to everyone the Lord used to make it possible!
I was thinking back on the ministry name as decades ago the thought went through my mind, “The name of your ministry is Abide in Him.” It came with encouragement and warning. As long as I was abiding in Christ, He would bear the fruit He desired through my life for His glory. But the day I was abiding in anything else, it wouldn’t be good for anyone.
Jesus graciously lets us know in John 15:1, “I am the true vine, and My Father is the vinedresser.” The world is producing quite a crop of false vines in our day. Abiding there, we would bear fruit that glorifies people and the enemy and leads others astray. 2 Corinthians 11:14 warns that, “…Satan himself transforms himself into an angel of light.” None of us is clever enough to know the difference. But in His wisdom – Christ in us, the hope of glory – He makes it clear. Praise Him!
I hope you’ll look through the new website and treat yourself to any free downloads. If you would like to try a verse-by-verse study guide as you pasture in His Word, please do. If cost is a hindrance, please contact us. We don’t want anything to get in the way of the teaching of His Word. We are also prayerfully gearing up to see what He may have planned for retreats and speaking opportunities moving forward. Don’t hesitate to contact us about whatever He may lay on your heart. We love to hear from you! May this site be used to glorify our great King, strengthen His sheep, and accomplish His plans and purposes. Lord, lead us!
(If you’re not already on it, you can access the website here.)